Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Me reading The Fault in Our Stars
Hello friends, my name is M.E.

To introduce myself, I am going to share some of my favorite things. I love to read but I don't have a lot of time to do so. I am open to trying anything but recently I've been reading fantasy books like The Mortal Instruments Series and its sister series, The Clockwork Instruments. I have read and loved all of the Harry Potter books. If I had to pick a favorite book I would pick The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I had run out of things too do waiting around at the airport and my mom had it on her IPad. I started it around 8:00 and couldn't put it down the entire flight. I didn't sleep at all that night. I was one of the only people on the plane awake but that was okay because I didn't need everyone to see me bawling my eyes out!

I like movies too but I sit still long enough to watch a lot of them. I am still a five year old at heart so I've seen almost all of the new Disney and Pixar movies. My favorite is Tangled. One of my friends thought if I was a Disney character I would be her. I would love to be her. I recently had a Fast and Furious marathon which I loved. I think my favorite movies overall would have to be Pitch Perfect, Crazy Stupid Love, and The Proposal. I love the actors in all of them and I like funny movies.
This is one of my favorite scenes from Pitch Perfect. I really wish I could sing like them!!!

I could never choose one moment of my life that is my favorite or most important. Every moment makes me who I am and I would never change or trade those experiences. When asked about the best experience of my life I pick a moment when I was truly happy. Each time my answer changes, as I do growing up, but they nearly always include me laying on a beach. This summer I got to go back to my hometown in Massachusetts. I got to see all of my childhood friends and all of my family. I spent five of the six days I was there on the beach.

I couldn't stop smiling the whole time I was there. This home brings back some bittersweet memories. Memories of losing people I loved and falling out of touch with the people who knew me better than I knew myself. It will always be my first home and it might become my home again. If I get into my beautiful dream school, Tufts University, Medford/Somerville will be my home for my college years. 

Tour of Tufts University: